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The Rocketmakers UX team is growing!

By Ned Vaught
2nd Nov 2021
Emily, Brie and Charlotte working together

In the past six weeks we’ve been joined by three new dedicated UX designers: Emily Lawes, Charlotte Moore, and Brie Friel.

Good UX design is an important part of the Rocketmakers process, and we’re delighted that our UX capacity is growing just as fast as the rest of the company!

Emily, Charlotte, and Brie are all highly experienced designers, each having started in slightly different careers before discovering their passion for UX.

Both Charlotte and Brie became interested in design while working as business analysts.

While working as a business analyst advisor for an education app, Brie found herself more interested in the user perspective than the business case. After some encouragement from a colleague, she applied for a UX role when one opened up, and never looked back. Brie is especially interested in visual design, and the psychological principles which determine how users interact with their screens.

With a very similar story, Charlotte was working as a business analyst with a UX designer on a new app and became especially interested in user research her colleague was engaged in. She also switched to UX when a position became available at the same company. Since then her favourite part of the UX process is user research, and will often focus her efforts on the early stages of UX design.

Emily’s background is as a developer. After taking on a new app to develop on her own from start to finish (including a UX process), she discovered it was the design she loved most. Her particular interest is on inclusive design and accessibility and, of course, she is skilled at ensuring UX designs are clear to the developers who need to turn designs into code.

All three have enjoyed their first few weeks at Rocketmakers, which has coincided with a gradual revival of social activity at the company. The regular “master chef” cooking sessions, monthly team drinks, company summer party, and other events have been big hits with our new UX designers.

But when asked, all three say they are excited about the chance to work on upcoming Rocketmakers projects.

“This is a great place to work on UX design,” Emily explained. “Rocketmakers projects are mostly apps which make the world a better place so it is a great fit for what we do. As a UX designer your first thought is, ‘how can this app better improve the lives of users?’”

Likewise, Brie is enthusiastic about a new project focused on carbon reduction she is about to join. “Helping to improve the environment is very important to me,” she said. “Getting the chance to work on an app which will do this as part of my job is very exciting. It’s great to know that the work you are doing is helping the community and the wider world.”

In closing, we asked each of our new UX designers to give one short bit of advice to anyone interested in creating a new app with Rocketmakers.

Emily said, “The best way to make sure an app succeeds is to design for how people actually act, not how you want them to act.”

Brie’s advice was similar: “Make sure your app is enjoyable for the users. If users enjoy your app it helps with everything else you want to achieve.”

Charlotte argued that in today’s environment, good UX design is essential. “There’s so much competition in the tech scene now,” she said. “No one can afford to skip UX, and the better and more comprehensive the UX process, the better the results for your project will be.”

Interested in hearing more from our newly expanded UX team? Get in touch with us at and we will be glad to talk to you!

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