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Digital Transformation

We Help Businesses Implement Their Digital Transformation Vision

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What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation refers to integrating digital technologies into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how it operates and delivers value to customers. 

It's also a cultural change that requires organisations to continually challenge the status quo, experiment, and get comfortable with failure. 

Successful digital transformation initiatives involve using technology to improve processes, enhance customer experiences, and adapt business models to the digital age.

Why Is Digital Transformation So Difficult?

Digital transformation programs can be challenging for several reasons:

➡️ Cultural resistance: Organisations often face internal resistance to change. Employees may be accustomed to existing workflows and hesitant to adopt new digital technologies or processes.

➡️ Skill gaps: 27% of companies found that a lack of internal expertise and talent hindered their efforts to implement and utilise new digital technologies. Training or hiring new talent becomes essential but can be difficult and costly.

➡️ Legacy systems: Many organisations operate on outdated systems and manual processes that are deeply integrated into their operations. Migrating from these systems to more modern solutions can be complex, risky, and expensive. KPMG found that 18% of leaders suggested that legacy IT infrastructure limited digital transformation at technology companies. 

➡️ Strategic alignment: Ensuring that digital transformation efforts align with the company's broader goals requires careful planning. Otherwise, it might lead to resource wastage and project failures.

➡️ Change management: A thorough change management strategy is crucial for success. The lack of a sound change management strategy can lead to employee dissatisfaction and low adoption rates.

➡️ Security concerns: As digital transformation involves handling vast amounts of data, including sensitive customer information, ensuring data security and privacy becomes a significant challenge.

➡️ Cost: The investment required for digital transformation can be substantial, as it needs to cover the cost of new technologies, training, and potential disruption to the business during the transition period. A comprehensive financial strategy will go a long way toward a successful transformation. 
➡️ Keeping pace with technology: The rapid pace of technological advancement means that organisations must continuously adapt and evolve, which can be difficult to sustain over time.

“No-one else can do what they do - the wisdom, incredible team, they just get on
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“I just wanted a website... they built me an online business - they transformed
and rebuilt my whole strategy “

“Consistently ahead of the curve and building innovative, future proof, scalable

Why Rocketmakers?

Rocketmakers has software architects with extensive experience providing Digital Transformation advice to some of the UK’s largest companies. 

Working with experienced Digital Transformation champions is essential to make sure you get the maximum benefit from any project you launch. Make sure you speak to a team who takes the time to understand your entire business, considers factors that might not be obvious at first glance, and looks for opportunities to make everything in your company better than it was before.