Rocketmakers receive Queen’s Award

Rocketmakers has been awarded Britain’s most prestigious business honour: The Queen’s Award for Enterprise!
Announced just today by Her Majesty The Queen, we have been recognised for demonstrating outstanding results in innovation, particularly for the development of the Performance Development Management System (PDMS).
PDMS was developed in partnership with the English Institute of Sport (EIS) starting in 2014, and has since then been adopted by over 75% of the UK’s national sporting bodies as a tool for monitoring and managing athlete performance and helping avoid injury.
The system is designed to capture high-quality athlete data, which is presented to coaches and medical staff in formats that encourage insights to emerge.
Athletes may enter data into PDMS multiple times a day using a specially designed app. The required information varies from sport to sport, but typically athletes are asked to rate their energy level, intensity of training, and recovery. Other questions ask athletes to rate their quality of sleep, food intake, or even their mood.
If an athlete suffers an injury during training they are able to log it immediately, identifying the location of the injury on the body, level of pain, and any loss of mobility or strength.
PDMS was used at the 2016 games in Rio, where TeamGB enjoyed a record medal haul. Since then, more sport national governing bodies have signed up for PDMS, and existing users have integrated it more deeply into their training regimes.
Our CEO Richard Godfrey was thrilled when he heard the news.
“Winning the Queen’s Award is an enormous honour for Rocketmakers, and real validation of the hard work we have been doing for the last decade,” he said.
We would like to thank our partners at the English Institute of Sport, and the athletes that use PDMS every day, for giving us the opportunity to work with them. It is a real thrill for us whenever an athlete we are helping has a winning performance - today it feels like we’ve won our own world championship.
The public announcement of the award is just the first step in a long process for the Queen’s Award. Richard and Rocketmakers CTO Keith Walker are expected to attend a reception for award winners at Buckingham Palace in the early summer, and the official presentation of the Queen’s Award by the Lord Lieutenant of Somerset will take place in the Autumn.
At Rocketmakers we leverage our experience to build innovative software for companies of all sizes. If you have a vision for a project and you need a technical partner to help you design, develop and deploy it, get in touch: